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 你和猫王唯一的共同点 Only thing you got in common with the King 就是你们都喜欢吃花生酱三明治 is a liking for peanut butter sandwiches. 没错 Yeah. 这种组合会把下水道堵住 That kind of combo clogs up the plumbing. 大便拉不出来 Can"t crap. 屎堆积到你眼睛里

 把它们变成棕色 Shit backs up to your eyeballs, turns them brown. 然后你会被大便淹死 And then you drown. 有一首歌♥很适合你 Now, there"s a song for you. 你要吃他妈的蔬菜 Eat your fucking vegetables. 根据真实故事改编 保持着 14 胜 2 败的战绩 Holding a record of14 wins and two losses, 来自蒙大拿州海伦娜 hailing from Helena, Montana, 目前是我州中量级排名第二的拳击手 he is currently the number-two-ranked middleweight in ourgreat state. 女士们先生们

 欢迎斯图尔特·朗 Ladies and gentlemen, Stuart Long. 未来可期呀

 老弟 Got a future, brother. 表现不行呀 You have to do better than that. 我们爱你

 斯图 We love you, Stu. 嘿

 宝贝 -嗨 Hey, baby. -Hi. 你现在喜欢金发美女了

  You like blonds now, huh? 她很可爱

 她很可爱 -没错 She"s sweet. She"s sweet. -Yeah. 好好享受吧

 孩子 Enjoy it now, kid.


 谁也逃不掉 You"re almost past your prime. It happens. 我没揍你算你走运 You"re lucky I don"t punch you. 放进嘴里

 好好教训教训他 Take that, and give it to him. 我要把你的臭嘴打歪 I"m gonna punch you in the mouth. 好的

 可以 All right, good. 来呀

 来呀 Come on, come on. 别烦我了


  Will you come on? 双手举起来 Keep your hands up. 做好防守 Keep your guard up. 我不管他是不是更好的拳击手 I don"t care he"s the better boxer. 你要比他更会表演 You gotta be the better actor. 我知道 I know. 我喜欢这样

 伙计 I love this, man. 我最擅长这个 It"s what I do. 嘿 Hey. 你的表现太棒了 Well, that"s just great. 我赢了



  I won. I got some dough. What you want? 一个烤面包器 A toaster. 我给你买♥♥一个烤面包器 I"ll get you a toaster. 如果你拿出打人精力的一半 If you put half the effort into a regular job 找一份普通的工作

 that you put into beating ass, 总有一天你会成为经理的 you"d be a manager one day. 既然你不期望我们长大以后登陆月球 Why dress us as astronauts for Halloween 为什么在万圣节的时候 把我们打扮成宇航员

  if you didn"t want us to shoot for the moon? 那时候我有两个儿子

 总要赌一把 That"s when I had two of you to bet on. 那个小丑在哪儿

  Where is this clown? 嘿

 快告诉她没什么好担心的 Hey, tell her it"s nothing. 恐怕不行 Not quite. 你的下巴有块骨头严重感染 You have a serious infection of the bone in your jaw, 你的血液显示非常高的发炎指数 as well as extremely high inflammation markers in your blood. 上一次也是这样 你的同事给了我抗生素 Same thing as last time. Your colleague gave me antibiotics. 不就好了吗

  Did the trick, right? 你在最近的三次比赛之后 开始发烧和感染 After your last three fights, you"ve developed fevers and infections. 这不是受伤后的正常反应 That"s not a normal response to injury. 什么意思

  What does that mean? 从医学上来说

 我们需要做进一步检查 Medically speaking, we"d need further testing 来确定问题的根源 to determine the source of the problem, 形象的说法就是 你的身体在警告你不要再打了 but metaphorically, seems like your body is telling you not to fight. 形象…去你的


  Meta-- Fuck that. What? 决定权在你

 但我必须告诉你 The decision is yours, but I must make you aware 并发症有可能危及生命 that the complications could be life-threatening.



  You set this up, didn"t you? 是她指使你的

  She tell you to say that? 您能先回避一下吗

  -演得真像 Could you give us a minute? -We got the Keystone Kops here. 别听这个废物胡说八道 Don"t listen to this loser. 该死


 妈妈 Shit, he trying to run up the bill on you, Mama. 你这该死的 对自己的生命这么不以为然 Damn you for being so careless with your life. 不以为然

 我在为了你和我的生活拼命 Careless? I"m fighting for it. And yours too. 我挣钱买♥♥吃的 你那该死的老公却没有 I put food on the table. Your deadbeat husband don"t. 悼念亲人可不算残疾

 我查过了 Grief ain"t a disability. I looked it up. 你以为自己能成为专业拳击手吗

  What you think, you"ll get to be a pro? 孩子

 大部分人到了你这年纪都退休了 Honey, you"re the age most guys are when they pack it in. 你还在为了获得赞助打架 You"re still scrapping for a sponsor. 看着我的眼睛

 告诉我 Look me in the eyes and tell me 那些塑料奖杯比你的命还重要 that some plastic trophy is worth more than your life. 那只能怪你自己了 You only got yourself to blame. 就算我只拿到参与奖绶带 你也大惊小怪的 Making a fuss over all them damn participation ribbons. 你的标准那么低 还能指望你儿子干什么

  You set a low bar. What you expect from your son? 指望这个儿子不会死 That this one don"t fucking die. 我没那么幸运 I ain"t that lucky. 我听说钻井厂的工资很高 I heard them oil rigs went up pay good. 我才不干蓝领的活儿

 I ain"t doing no blue-collar bullshit. 亲爱的


  Well, honey, what else is there? 黄石 史蒂芬·朗

 深爱的儿子和弟弟 1966-1971 爸爸逮到我在你的房♥间里玩 Dad caught me playing in your room. 我挨了一顿揍 Got a heck of a hiding for it. 有时候我真的恨你那么优秀 Sometimes I thought I hated you for being so good. 让我显得这么差劲 Making me look bad. 爸爸可能在想 为什么要养我这么一个混♥蛋♥儿子 Dad probably wonders why he gotta keep a piece of shit like me. 肉桂糖 你想要吗

  You want it? 过来拿吧 Come get it. 怎么了


  What, you think I missed? 我从不失手 I never miss. 哦

 该死 Oh, shit. 晚上好

 警官 Evening, officers. 没事吧

  Everything all right here? 只是来祭奠一下 Just paying my respects. 你是比尔的儿子

  You Bill"s son? 哇

 这么多年过去了 他还是在让我难堪

  Wow, all these years gone, he"s still making me look bad, huh? 阴魂不散


  Chip off the old block, huh? 巴特啤酒 很高兴见到你

 斯图 Good to see you, Stu.

 郡警局 我们会再见的

 刺头 Until we meet again, prick. 嘿

 妈妈 Hey, Mama. 拒捕

  Resisting arrest? 我挑战了警官的判断 这是一次令人振奋的争论 I challenged the officer"s judgment. It was a stimulating exchange. 我帮他成为了更好的警♥察♥ I made him a better cop. 快上车 -如果他们告诉你原因

 你会骄傲的 Get in the car. -If they told you why, you"d pat my back. 那不就是你的人生故事吗

  总让人莫名其妙 Ain"t that the story of your life? Being out of context. 我要告诉你个好消息 I got some good news for you. 我想清楚了 -是吗

  I figured it out. -Yeah? 事不过七

  Seventh time"s a charm? 不

 我想到自己要干什么了 No, I figured out what I"m gonna do. 我要当一名演员 -哦

 天哪 I"m gonna be an actor. -Oh, God. 你想想

 这是最适合我的 Think about it. Nothing ever made more sense. 我天生就是表演的料 I mean, I was born to perform. 我只需要花时间找到我的舞台 It just took some time to find my stage. 是吗


  Yeah? Where"s that at? 好莱坞 Hollywood. 你连米苏拉西部都没去过 You ain"t been west of Missoula. 你有地图

 我会找到那儿的 You got a map, I"m gonna make it there. 你和洛杉矶那些人根本不是一路人 You don"t belong with L.A. folks.

 他们是一帮投机的共♥产♥主义者 该死的法♥西♥斯♥嬉皮士 They"re a bunch of carpetbaggers. Communist fucking fascist hippies. 我不想和他们成为一路人 我要与众不同 I ain"t trying to belong. I"m trying to stand out. 等着看我拯救世界 Wait till you see me saving the world, 干掉坏人 亲吻戴着珍珠项链的姑娘吧 shooting bad guys, kissing them girls in pearls. 很有可能这三件事同时发生呢 Probably all three at once. 尝试干这一行是不是有点晚了

  Isn"t it a little late to, you know, try that? 是“晚”了

 也是“完美” They gonna say "late," they gonna say "great." 我还不打算死呢 And I ain"t even gonna be dead yet. 怎么样

  Well? 你会去找你的父亲吗

  You gonna look your father up? 我会去找我的父亲吗

  -是的 Am I gonna look my father up? -Yeah. 去他的比尔 Fuck Bill. 快

 我们走 Come on, let"s go. 没错

 去他的比尔 Yeah, fuck Bill. 你这弱智狗娘… You throwback mother-- 我在为公共服务呢

 混♥蛋♥ I"m trying to do a public service, asshole. 学学怎么开车吧

 白♥痴♥ Learn how to drive, idiot. 你好


  Hello. Can I get the vehicle number? 车牌号♥是滚蛋-一千-傻瓜-十 Yeah, vehicle number, jerk-off-kilo-limp-dick-ten. 他车开得怎么样

  How"s his driving?

 我来告诉你他开得怎么样 I"ll tell you how"s his fucking driving. 他的爸妈肯定是近亲结婚 他开起车来就像个弱智 His parents must be cousins. He"s driving like a fucking half-wit. 雇一个撞车测试假人都比他… Be ahead hiring a crash test dummy-- 如果满意你的信息

 请按一 If you are satisfied with your message, press one. 婊♥子♥养♥的♥ Son of a bitch. 必须有人想出更好的办法 举报这些白♥痴♥


  Somebody gotta find a better way to rat these retards out, you know? 这真让一个守规矩的司机崩溃 因为他只是想做正确的事 Make a decent driver crash just for trying to do the right thing. 好莱坞首选汽车旅馆 先住一个星期吧 Let"s just start with a week. 182 美元

 如果预定一个月 你能省百分之二十 That"s $182. If you book a month out, you save 20 percent. 用不了一个月我就成名了 I don"t need a month to make it. 这里的所有人都这么想 You and everybody else in this town. 你有什么建议吗

  You got some advice? 我还在等待机会呢 I"m still trying to be discovered. 等我成名了

 我会带上你 I hit it big, I"ll take you with me. 一路飞黄腾达 All the way to the top. 周一付清房♥租 Payment"s due Monday. 别小瞧自己 -我不会的 Don"t sell yourself short. -Oh, I won"t. 周一见 I"ll see you Monday. 该死 Oh, shit. 太棒了 Oh, yeah.


 我是朗先生 找我的电♥话♥都别接过来 Hello? Yeah, this is Mr. Long. Hold all my calls. 真的吗

  Really? 我要想一下 I"ll have to think about that. 好莱坞


 好莱坞 Hollywood, baby. Hollywood. 好家伙


 小子 Hot damn, you in Hollywood, kid. 他说什么

  What did he say? 我成功了 I made it. 太厉害了 Oh, shit. 看看哪个频道每晚都会播放我的节目 See what channel I"m gonna be on every night. 每晚 Every night. 没错 Oh, yeah. 怎么回事

  The fuck? 连有线电视都没有

 182 块钱就这破玩意 最好给我修好 Ain"t no antenna on here. $182 for this shit. It better be working. 我要投诉

 电视坏了 Yeah, I got a problem. The TV ain"t working. 明天

 我付了 182 块钱 我需要电视 Tomorrow? I paid $182. I need a goddamn TV. 该死

 你在开玩笑吧 Shit. You gotta be kidding me. 叫那个肥婆赶快上来给我修好 Better get her big ass up here and fix this shit. 我成功了 I made it. “加油站服务员

 圣诞树卖♥♥场” "Gas stati...

推荐访问:Stu《斯图神父(2022)》完整中英文对照剧本 神父 剧本 中英文对照
























