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 喔 Ooh. 操 Fuck. 啊!

 Uhh! 啊 Unh! 啊!

 Ahh! 操!

 Fuck! 操!

 Ah, fuck! 啊!

 Ah! Ahh! 干得好 你… Well done, you... 干得好 你赢了 Well done. You"re the winner. 请问你是本体还是复♥制♥体? Remind me. Are you the original or the double? 复♥制♥体 The double. 当然了 我老是搞混 Of course. I always get mixed up. 两个看起来完全一样的人确实分不清 Obviously it gets confusing when you both look identical. 你选择冲向他 让他的远距离攻击无法施展 Excellent work negating his ranged attack 非常明智 and closing the distance. 谢谢 Thank you. 复♥制♥体赢得决斗 The double has won the duel. 现在他是罗伯特·迈克尔斯了 He"s Robert Michaels now. 您想点些什么? Can I take your order? 一个双层玉米饼

 Yes, I"ll have one two-layer taco, 两个软玉米饼 two soft tacos, 一个双层卷饼 一份玉米片 a double burrito, and an order of nachos. 哪种? WHICH ONE? 我们好几种玉米片 We have several kinds of nachos. 就是原味玉米片配奶酪酱 The one that"s just the chips and cheese dip. 要几杯饮料? How many drinks for this order? 一杯 Only one. 不知道 这里闹鬼 I don"t know. It"s haunted. 不过这里有个泳池 But look, there"s a pool. 耶 Yeah, yeah! 哦耶 Oh, yeah! 你好啊 Well, hello. 嗨 亲爱的 干什么呢? Hey, sweetheart. What are you up to? 看电视呢 Just watching television. 看的什么? What are you watching? 一个恋爱真人秀 A reality competition show about dating. 听起来挺烂的 That doesn"t sound very good. 是挺烂的 但是看这种东西就是我的快乐源泉 It isn"t very good, but I consider it a guilty pleasure. 你干什么呢? What are you doing? 今晚工作结束之后 我带团队出去喝了一杯 I took my team out for drinks after work tonight.

 他们这个项目干得很不错 They"ve been doing such a great job on this project. 你的那个同事怎么样? What about that co-worker of yours 你之前跟我提过 好像叫山姆? you were telling me about? Sam? 他还是被工作压得喘不过气吗? Is he still struggling with the workload? 其实山姆现在做得特别好 Actually, Sam"s doing tremendous now. 哦 那不错啊 Oh. Oh, that"s good, I guess. 我正在考虑给他一个 In fact, I"m even considering giving him 最佳进步奖 a most-improved award. 事实证明 在工作场合颁发奖励… Awards in the workplace have been proven... 提高士气 虽然… increase morale even if it-if... 也许并没有什么价值 it d-d-d... Really mean anything. 我想你 I miss you. 我也想你 亲爱的 I miss you, too, sweetheart. 我睡前再给你打个视频吧? Maybe I"ll call you one more time before bed? 不用了 No, that"s okay. 我马上就要睡觉了 I actually think I"m going to go to bed soon, too. 是吗?你那里还很早啊 Really? It"s so early there. 对 但是我累了 Yes, but I"m tired. 那你确实应该多休息 All right, well, you should definitely get some rest, 我们明天再聊 and we can talk tomorrow. 我一起床就给你发信息

 I"ll text you when I wake up. 好 晚安 莎拉 All right. Good night, Sarah. 耶 Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! 莎拉 亲爱的 你真这么饿吗? Sarah, dear, are you really hungry? 还是为了把嘴占住 Or are you putting food into your mouth 就不用跟我说话了? so you don"t have to talk to me? 我就是正常饿 I"m just a normal amount of hungry. 我可以一边吃一边聊天 It"s possible to eat and have a conversation at the same time. -我好像… -莎拉… - I think I"m going to be... - Sarah... 我上班好像快迟到了 I think I"m going to be late for work. 你今天不用上班 所以才跟我一起吃饭 You don"t have work today. That"s why you"re here with me. 今天几号♥啊? What day is it? 你还记得这个吗? Do you remember these? 我收集的硬币? My penny collection? 你为什么不再收集了? Why did you stop collecting? 我那时候已经十岁了 有别的爱好了 I was 10, I took on other hobbies. 你从哪儿找到的? Where did you find these? 你为什么不再开心了? Why aren"t you happy anymore? 我很开心啊 I am happy. 你为什么不接我的电♥话♥? Why don"t you answer my calls? 为什么不来看我? Why don"t you visit me?

 你不爱我吗? Don"t you love me? 再见 莎拉 Goodbye, Sarah. 女士 我问您情况紧急吗? 还是可以等等? Ma"am, I said, is it an emergency, or can you wait? 不紧急 No, it"s not an emergency. 把你知道的信息都填上 然后签名 Fill out as much of this form as you can, initial this, 这张黄色的表授权我们… and the yellow page gives us permission to... 女士 您不是说不紧急吗? Ma"am, I thought you said this wasn"t an emergency. 感觉怎么样? How are you feeling? 挺好的 没出新状况了 I"m feeling okay. I haven"t had any more episodes. 这是好消息 That"s good news. 你今天能早点回家吗? Does this mean you"ll be coming home early? 你知道我做不到 亲爱的 You know I can"t do that, sweetheart. 我们的项目正进行到关键时刻 We"re at a very critical stage of the project. 我知道 我只是以为你可以… No, I know. I just thought you might be able to... 离开一会儿 step away for a moment. 也许吧 Perhaps. 我要先处理好这里的一些事情 I need to figure some things out here first. 我理解 I understand. 消化科医生是怎么说的 Hey, what did the gastroenterologist say? 她还在做测试 She"s still running tests. 所有人都很难相信

 Everyone is having a hard time believing me 吐♥血♥这么严重居然没有其他症状 that there were no signs or symptoms leading up to this. 是谁啊? Who was that? 没什么 就是… Aw, nothing. It was just... 山姆给我发信息说安全到家了 Sam texted me that he got home safely. 你今晚跟同事们一起出去了? You went out with your co-workers tonight? 不是 就我跟山姆 No, no, no. Just Sam. 他不小心喝大了 He accidentally drank too much, though. 我把他送上的出租车 I sent him home in a taxi. 你今晚有什么打算? What are you up to tonight? 我在住院 I"m in the hospital. 对 对…我的意思是… Right, right... I mean... 你能早点睡吗? Do you think you can go to bed soon? 嗯 应该早点睡 Yes, I probably should. 明天早上还要做内镜检查 I"m supposed to get an endoscopy tomorrow morning. 我忘记告诉你了 I forgot to tell you about that. 他们让我禁食禁水 They didn"t let me eat or drink anything for dinner, 所以我现在又渴又饿 so I"m quite hungry and thirsty. 我肚子的响声可能比我说话的声音都大 You can probably hear my stomach growling louder than my voice. 嗯 嗯 Mm. Mm. 挺好 你该睡觉了 That"s good. You should get some sleep.

 哦 好吧 Oh, okay. 晚安 亲爱的 Good night, sweetheart. 晚安 皮特 Good night, Peter. 我们要让你出院了 We"re sending you home. 所以我没什么问题? So there"s nothing wrong with me? 不是 你肯定是出了问题 No, there most definitely is something wrong with you, 但是在测试结果出来之前 but while we wait for the current round of tests 我们已经没什么可做的了 to come back, there"s nothing more to be done. 你最好跟家人朋友在一起 You"d be better off being around your family and friends. 我还没告诉我妈 I haven"t told my mom yet. 我想等搞清楚状况再告诉她 I wanted to wait until I had a better idea of what was happening. 其实我感觉好多了 I feel much better, actually. 也许我已经开始康复了 Maybe I"m getting better. 莎拉 请听清楚 Sarah, listen very carefully. 我们现在还不知道 We may be in the dark here on what exactly 你到底怎么了 但不管是什么病 is happening inside of you, but whatever it is, 都已经非常严重了 it"s very serious. 你回家之后要好好休息 When you go home, you need to rest. 照顾好自己 You need to take care of yourself. 绝对不能喝酒 You need to not drink. 你明白吗?

 Do you understand? 明白 I understand. 很好 Very good. 非常好 That"s very, very good. (希望你们玩得开心!)

 嘿 我是皮特 请留下口信 Hey, it"s Peter. Leave a message. (我在电梯里呢 亲亲)

 (这里很晚了 我就直接睡了)

 (好 我理解 爱你)

 嗨 亲爱的 Hey, sweetheart. 猜我刚刚干了什么? Guess what I just did? 不知道 告诉我吧 I"m not sure. Tell me. 我去健身房♥了 I just went to the gym. 医生让我多休息 但是我一醒来觉得精力特别充沛 The doctor told me to rest, but I woke up feeling energized, 所以我决定要去健身 and so I decided to go and work out, 出了一身汗 热死了 and I got very sweaty and hot, 所以一进家门 so the second I walked through the door, 我就把衣服脱♥光♥了 I took off all my clothes. 这是我很长时间以来感觉最好的一天了 I actually feel a lot better than I have in a long time. 我觉得我已经没病了 大概就是感冒吧 I don"t think I"m sick anymore. It was probably just a cold. 我在网上查了一下我的症状 I looked up the symptoms online, 有可能是感冒 and that was one of the possibilities. 出什么事了? What"s wrong?

 你…你患上了罕见疾病 而且是末期 You... You have a rare condition, and it"s terminal. 你又再往最坏处想了 我很好 真的 You"re just imagining the worst. I"m fine, I promise. 你没把我的号♥码填在紧急联♥系♥人那里 You accidentally put my number down 而是不小心填在了第一联♥系♥方式那里 on the primary contact instead of emergency contacts, 所以你的医生给我打了电♥话♥ so your doctor"s been calling me, 但我以为是电♥话♥推销 but I assumed it was a telemarketer, 就没接 so I didn"t answer. 她大概觉得你正在旁边听着 She must have assumed that you"re screening your calls 就留了一通非常详细的语♥音♥留言 because she left a very detailed voicemail in my in box. 你居然通过视频聊天跟我说这个? You"re telling me this on video chat? 我知道 对不起 I know. I"m sorry. 你知道多久了? How long have you known? 两天了 但是我不知道要怎么告诉你 Two days. I didn"t know how to tell you. 莎拉 你快死了 Sarah, you"re going to die. 我为什么哭不出来? Why aren"t I crying? 语♥音♥留言的事我很抱歉 I apologize for the voicemail. 如果能不把这个小事故 If we could keep this mix-up 报告给医院董事会 from making its way to the board of directors, 我会非常感激的 I would appreciate it. 当然了 没问题 Sure, that"s fine. 你患上了非常罕见且无法治愈的疾病

 So, yes, you have an incredibly rare incurable disease. 现在病灶在你胃里 It is inside your stomach, 但最终会扩散到全身 but will eventually spread throughout your body. 它是无痛的 但正在慢慢杀死你 It will be painless, but it is killing you. 我们不知道你还有多长时间 We cannot know how long you have, 但也只是时间问题 but it is only a matter of time. 我有多大的生存几率? What are my chances? 零 Zero. 这种疾病的致死率是 98% There"s a 98% chance you will succumb to your illness. 你不是说没有生存的可能性吗? I thought you said there isn"t a chance. 确实没有 There isn"t. 那另外 2%呢? Then what about the two percent? 那个是误差范围 有 2%的误差范围 That"s the margin of error. There"s a 2% margin of error. 医学上没有完全确定的事 Nothing is ever absolutely certain, 但这个基本可以确定 though this most certainly is. 你是在告诉我虽然有 2%的误差范围 You"re telling me there is a margin of error of two percent, 但你确定我会死掉? but you"re cert...

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