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 序曲 主演 英格丽·褒曼 格里高利·派克 爱德华大夫 导演 阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克 错误并非命运所招致, 应归责于自我的责任上... -莎士比亚 我们的故事涉及精神分♥析♥法 法被现代科学用于治疗心理的情绪情感问题 精神分♥析♥学家只追求引导患者谈论他(她)的隐藏的问题 从而打开他内心紧锁的大门 使患者感到不安的情结一旦被揭开并解释 那些症状和迷惑就会消逝... 引人错乱的魔鬼将被逐出人类的灵魂 冈斯先生来此 请劳驾 爱德华著 《犯罪变♥态♥心理探索》特别版限♥量♥发行 750 本,均由作者亲笔签名 爱德华 我不愿意连累你,因为我爱你.我暂时住在纽约的帝国旅馆,再见 J.B. 我不愿意连累你,因为我爱你.我暂时住在纽约的帝国旅馆,再见 J.B. 帝国饭店 嫌犯与斐医师在一起 现在正在加布里山谷里 请你们去逮捕他们 -韩警长 和一个有胡子的男人一起玩牌 剧 终 柯迈克小姐请 Miss Carmichael, please. 彼得森大夫在等你 Dr. Petersen is ready for you. 抱歉 我得走了 I"m awfully sorry. I have to go. 手气正旺 准让你们输得倾家荡产 Had a perfect hand. Would"ve beaten the pants off you.

 哈瑞会带你去 - 谢谢 Harry will take you, Miss Carmichael. - Thank you. 看牢她 你好好监视那位小姐 Watch her carefully. Don"t take your eyes off her. 你怎么样 哈瑞?- 挺好 How are you today, Harry? - Fine. 你好像不舒服 You look a little bilious. 是灯光照的 It"s the light. 你恐怕病了 亲爱的 I worry about you, dear. 我没病 I"ll be all right. 非得去找彼得森大夫吗? Must we dash into Dr. Petersen"s office? 找什么清净地方 我们谈谈好吗? Can"t we go sit somewhere in private and talk, just you and I? 当然好 可我没空 Love it, if I had time. 是吗? Would you? 进来 Come in. 一副好牌让你搞砸了 彼得森大夫 You ruined a very interesting card game, Dr. Petersen. 你可以出去了 You may go now, Harry. 我就在门外头 I"ll be outside. 觉得怎么样 玛丽? I hope you feel better today, Mary. 不 不好 - 会好的 Well, I don"t. - You will. 这套简直太荒唐了 I think this whole thing is ridiculous. 哪套 玛丽 What whole thing, Mary? 精神分♥析♥法 真是太乏味了 Psychoanalysis. It bores the pants off of me. 躺在沙发上 像个喋喋不休的白♥痴♥

 Lying on the couch like some dreary nitwit, telling all. 说我小时候怎么样怎么样 You don"t really expect to get anywhere 这对你有什么用处 listening to me babble about my idiotic childhood. 没用 Really. 开头的几次交谈 My patients invariably regard me as a wretched nuisance 病人个个都嫌我讨厌 during our first talks. 对了 是我的潜意识不让我说 I see. It"s my subconscious putting up a fight. 不要我的病好 It doesn"t want me cured. 太对了 潜意识喜欢你保持病态 Exactly. It wants to continue enjoying your disease. 所以要弄清你的病源 Our job is to make you understand why. 等你知道什么是不该做的 When you know why you"re doing something that"s bad for you 是怎么开始做的 你的病就可以好了 and when you first started doing it. Then you can begin curing yourself. 你是说我没有说真话 You mean I"ve been telling you lies? 有些是假话 The usual proportion. 是的 我净说假话 You"re right. I"ve been lying like mad. 我恨男人 讨厌男人 I hate men. I loathe them. 哪怕他们轻轻碰我一下 If one of them so much as touches me, 我就会狠狠咬他们的手 I want to sink my teeth into his hands and bite it off. 从前也咬过几次 你想听听吗? In fact, I did that once. Do you care to hear about it? 多说些你记得的事 Tell me anything you remember. 我们在跳舞时 We were dancing.

 他在我耳边向我求婚 He kept asking me to marry him, panting in my ear. 我突然假装要吻他 I suddenly pretended I was going to kiss him 然后把他的胡子用力咬掉 and sank my teeth into his mustache and bit it clear off. 你在笑话我 You"re laughing at me. 你沾沾自喜 根本不相信我 That smug frozen face of yours doesn"t take me in. 你想听了好让你觉得高人一等 You just want me to tell you all this so you can feel superior to me. 什么科学 净胡说 我讨厌你 You and your drooling science. I detest you. 我再也不要见到你这张脸了 I never want to see that nasty face of yours again! 我讨厌你 I can"t bear you. 你这都是骗人的 You and your nickel"s worth of nothing! 别这样 柯迈克小姐 Come on, Miss Carmichael. 我真傻 这女人不配我生气 Silly fool. Letting a creature like that worry me. 冰棍小姐 Miss Frozen Puss. 富勒洛大夫 我有话要单独跟你说 Dr. Fleurot, I want to talk to you alone. 我真受不了那女医生 I can"t stand that woman. 回头找你 玛丽 I"ll see you later, Mary. 走吧 柯迈克小姐 Come, Miss Carmichael. 莫奇森怎么搞的 指定你来医治柯迈克 Murchison must be really out of his mind to assign Carmichael to you. 因为我对情绪问题 情场失意做过大量研究 You may report your findings to the new head when he arrives. 应付那种病重女患者要多做背景调查 You can"t treat a love veteran like Carmichael without some inside information. 我对情感和爱情方面的困难做了很多研究

 I"ve done a great deal of research on emotional problems and love difficulties. 研究过了 Research, my eye. 我观察了你半年 工作很出色 I"ve watched your work for six months. It"s brilliant but lifeless. 但是没有朝气 There"s no intuition in it. 你用冷冰冰的理性处理问题 You approach all your problems with an ice pack on your head. 你在向我求爱吗? Are you making love to me? 是的 就快了 I will in a moment. 现在在扫除障碍 I"m just clearing the ground first. 我一直想告诉你 作为一个大夫 I"m trying to convince you that your lack of human and emotional experience 没有人情味是很不利的 is bad for you as a doctor 作为女人是致命的 and fatal for you as a woman. 许多多情的精神病大夫为了我好 I"ve heard that argument from a number of amorous psychiatrists 都向我提出过这样的论点 who all wanted to make a better doctor of me. 可我的论点更充分 But I"ve got a much better argument. 我太喜欢你了 - 为什么? I"m terribly fond of you. - Why? 这就像抱着一本教科书 It"s rather like embracing a textbook. 那你干嘛还要抱? Why do you do it then? 因为你不是教科书 Because you"re not a textbook. 你是个心在跳动 有血有肉的女人 You"re a sweet, pulsing, adorable woman underneath. 我一走近你就感觉到了 I sense it every time I come near to you. 你感觉的是你自己的心跳 You sense only your own desires and pulsations.

 我的心跟你跳的不一样 I assure you, mine in no way resemble them. 别说了 我太爱你了 Stop it. I"m mad about you. 大概我太乏味了 I"m afraid I"m boring you. 不 你的变化很有意思 No. Your attitudes are very interesting. 我跟柯迈克小姐一样 真想拿本书砸你 You"re exactly like Miss Carmichael. I"d like to throw a book at you. 可我不干 But I won"t. 把它借我吧 - 好的 May I borrow this? - Certainly. 原谅我的抱怨 Oh, and forgive me for my criticism. 我想我还是多看书 I think you"d better stick to books. 还有一件事… And another thing... 对不起闯进来了 Pardon me for marching in, 我有个好消息 but I"m spreading the tidings. 我的事业继承人就要到了 My successor will be due any moment. 莫奇森大夫 在你手下工作很愉快 Dr. Murchison, it"s been a pleasure working under you. 谢谢你 Thank you very much. 走吗 彼特森大夫? Coming, Dr. Petersen? 我不太想去欢迎爱德华大夫 I"m in no mad hurry to welcome Dr. Edwardes. 这儿没有你真难以想象 莫奇森大夫 It"s hard to imagine this place without you, Dr. Murchison. 像这儿的固定资产 Yes, I sort of go with the fixtures. 不 你是这儿的创办人 太不公平了 More than that. You are Green Manors. It seems unfair. 你才当了几年大夫

 You"re very young in the profession. 还没有学会科学的基本奥秘 You haven"t learned the basic secret of science. 那就是新陈代谢 The old must make way for the new, 特别人老了 总有人觉得他不行了 particularly when the old is suspected of a touch of senility. 胡扯 That"s ridiculous. 医院董事会应该知道你现在好多了 I should think the Board of Directors would realize you"re feeling better. 经过休假你可精神了 You"ve been like a new man since your vacation. 我们的董事会要比别的医院开明 The Board"s as fair and all-knowing as a hospital board can be. 当然我也同意你的说法 我还能工作 I agree with you. I"m as able and brilliant as ever. 不过病过一次 难免不再病 But having crumbled once, I might crumble again. 你工作太累了 You were overworked. 一语道破 精辟的诊断 A charming diagnosis for a broken-down horse. 老师勇于面对现实的乐观精神 I shall always remember your cheerfulness today 我会永远铭记 as a lesson in how to accept reality, Dr. Murchison. 这只是表面轻松 Don"t be too taken in by my happy air, Constance. 对工作 20 年做告别不是轻松的事 It"s the least difficult way of saying goodbye to 20 years. 是的 我理解 Yes, I know. 请进 Come in. 有你的信 还有冈斯先生来了 Your mail, Dr. Petersen and Mr. Garmes. 请进 冈斯先生 Come in, Mr. Garmes. 今天动身吗 我还能见你吗? You"re not leaving today? I"ll see you again?

 爱德华大夫熟悉环境之前 I shall hover around for a while like an old mother hen. 我会像保姆一样待一阵 At least until Dr. Edwardes is firmly on the list. 今天感觉好吗 冈斯先生 How do you feel today, Mr. Garmes? 觉得好些了 现在好像不那么烦心了 Somewhat better, Doctor. The thing seems a little less troublesome. 我可以代劳吗 大夫 May I do that for you, Doctor? 不 谢谢 我做得可好了 Thank you, no. I can do this myself very well. 请坐 请稍等一会 Please sit down. I"ll be with you in a moment. 大名鼎鼎的爱德华来了 So that"s the mighty Anthony Edwardes. 比我想象的要年轻 He looks younger than I expected. 只带了一个皮箱 大概他不想在这长干吧 He"s only brought one suitcase. Perhaps he doesn"t intend to remain very long. 这让莫奇森去操心吧 Leave those daydreams to Dr. Murchison. 先生们 新院长安东尼·爱德华大夫 富勒洛大夫 Gentlemen, our new chief, Dr. Anthony Edwardes. Dr. Fleurot. 你好 - 你好 How do you do? - How do you do? 我是格拉夫大夫 I am Dr. Graff. 你好 How do you do? 哈米什大夫 Dr. Hanish. 你好 How do you do? 还有一些大夫没到 爱德华大夫 There"s still some staff members missing, Dr. Edwardes. 你就住这儿 These are your quarters. 这儿不像一个医院 They"re very festive for an institution. 爱德华大夫 莫奇森大夫

 Dr. Edwardes, Dr. Murchison. 你好 莫奇森大夫 我久仰你的大名 How do you do, Dr. Murchison? I"ve heard a great deal about you, sir. 我对你也是久仰了 And I naturally about you. 你比我想像的年轻 You"re younger than I thought you"d be. 不年轻了 我只是不见老 My age hasn"t caught up with me yet. 我见老了 应该让更有作为的人来接替 Mine has, it seems. I"m pleased to hand over the reins to steadier hands. 我把这儿的图书也留给你 I"m leaving you my library which contains, 其中有你最近写的一本名叫 amongst other items of interest, your latest volume, 《犯罪变♥态♥心理探索》的书 The Labyrinth of the Guilt Complex. 写得很好 An excellent work. 但愿这儿也能引人入胜 I hope Green Ma...

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